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The holidays are a time of joy and celebration, but they can also be a dangerous time for your furry friends. From the tree to the table, there are numerous hazards lurking in your home that could put your pet’s health at risk if you’re not careful. At Maynard Affordable Pet Urgent Care, we don’t want any local pets getting sick or hurt over the holidays. Let’s take a look at four pet hazards to avoid this holiday season.
Some of the most common dangers during the holidays are decorations and ornaments. From tinsel to holiday lights, these items can pose a serious danger to cats and dogs if they decide to chew on them. Tinsel is especially hazardous as it can become tangled in their intestines and cause a blockage that requires surgery. It’s best to keep all decorations out of reach, or better yet, opt for pet-friendly decorations such as plastic ornaments and battery-operated lights.
Chocolate is toxic for pets, so it’s important to make sure to keep it out of paws' reach. That includes anything from candy bars to cocoa powder which can contain additional ingredients that are harmful to pets, such as caffeine and sugar substitutes like xylitol. If you suspect your pet has eaten something containing chocolate or xylitol, contact us immediately for advice on what steps need to be taken next.
You should never give your pet table scraps because they can contain bones or fat trimmings that can lead to choking or intestinal obstructions. Fat trimmings can also cause pancreatitis in your furry friend. Even cooked bones should not be given as they can splinter and cause internal damage while eating them raw can lead to food poisoning due to bacteria like salmonella or E-coli. If you want your pet to enjoy some holiday treats make sure you get them from pet stores that specialize in safe treats specifically made with your pet in mind.
It may seem obvious, but it is worth mentioning that alcoholic beverages should never be given to pets under any circumstances. Even small amounts can prove deadly due to an animal’s smaller size and lack of tolerance for alcohol consumption compared to humans. If you suspect your pet has ingested any form of alcohol, reach out to us right away as serious illness may result without prompt medical attention.
As much fun as the holidays bring, it is important for pet owners to remember potential risks when gathering with family and friends this season. By following these simple guidelines you can help ensure everyone enjoys a safe holiday season free from harm.
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